Optional finishes for AGV and AMRs banner



As companies continue to incorporate automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) into their operations, the need for specialized flooring coatings that offer extreme wear, meet the COF and light reflectivity specifications, and protect against electrostatic discharge becomes increasingly important.

AGVs and AMRs need a flat, level flooring surface to run at their peak performance. Flooring coatings that have cracks or wear can cause a robot to veer off-path. Coefficient of friction allows the robotic traffic to accelerate, stop and change direction without sliding. Electrostatic dissipative floor coatings provide a solution for mitigating the risks associated with electrostatic charges that can accumulate during the movement of AGVs and AMRs. ResinDek's engineered mezzanine flooring with electrostatic dissipative floor coatings and extreme wear offers a reliable solution that is specifically designed to support the needs of modern industrial automation systems.

Let's take a closer look at ResinDek flooring coatings and surface options for AGVs and AMRs.

ResinDek Flooring Coatings & Surface Options For AGVs And AMRs

TriGard® ESD Ultra

To maximize the productivity of an autonomous mobile robot (AMR) or automatic guided vehicle (AGV) deployment, it's critical to create the optimal environment that allows the vehicles to perform at their peak. For that reason, Cornerstone Specialty Wood Products, LLC® created the TriGard® ESD Ultra finish for its ResinDek® engineered flooring panels - our go-to ESD floors for AMR and AGV traffic. The TriGard ESD Ultra finish is ideal for high-traffic robotic applications characterized by highly repetitive movement patterns and defined travel paths.

This innovative finish provides more than 4X greater wear than the TriGard ESD coating and is engineered for ultra-high repetitive travel patterns and defined travel paths. When required, the TriGard ESD Ultra coating can be modified for increased surface roughness or a higher or lower reflectivity.

TriGard ESD Ultra proprietary coating has been tested in accordance with the following standards:

Dynamic Coefficient of Friction: ASTM A326.3

Test Procedure: Neolite sensor has material that is 95+/-3 Shore A

Results: Average Dry: 0.62 | Average Wet: 0.47

Abrasion Class: ASTM D4060 (Wear Revolutions)

Test Procedure: Grit aluminum oxide sandpaper replaced every 500 cycles with 1 kg of weight

Results: Wear Rating: 24,000 cycles

Abrasion Class: EN 13329

Test Procedure: European surface evaluation using sandpaper wheels

Results: AC6

Gloss, 85 Deg: ASTM D523 (Light Reflectivity)

Test Procedure: Tested with glossmeter geometries of 85°rees;

Results: 7 GRUs

TriGard® ESD

The TriGard ESD finish on ResinDek® panels is a proprietary finish developed and engineered specifically to endure the consistent, repeated travel patterns associated with AMRs and the defined travel paths of AGVs. With 3x greater resistance to wear than Gray Diamond Seal® ESD, the TriGard ESD finish will endure 10 years of high-frequency repeat traffic often associated with robotic traffic. TriGard ESD finish comes standard with ESD to protect electronic equipment from damage and complies with ANSI/ESD Association specifications. When required for certain robotic applications the TriGard ESD coating can be modified to create an even higher reflectivity and increased surface roughness.

TriGard proprietary coating has been tested in accordance with the following standards:

Dynamic Coefficient of Friction: ASTM A326.3

Test Procedure: Neolite sensor has material that is 95+/-3 Shore A

Results: Average Dry: 0.62 | Average Wet: 0.28

Abrasion Class: ASTM D4060 (Wear Revolutions)

Test Procedure: Grit aluminum oxide sandpaper replaced every 500 cycles with 1 kg of weight

Results: Wear Rating: 6,000 cycles

Gouge Resistance ASTM D2197

Test Procedure: Tested with weights ranging from 1kg to 10.5kgs

Results: Failure: 8kgs

Gloss, 85 Deg: ASTM D523 (Light Reflectivity)

Test Procedure: Tested with glossmeter geometries of 85°

Results: 7 GRUs


MetaGard SST is engineered for the extreme wear of AGVs. In testing, ResinDek® with MetaGard has been shown to be 5x more abrasion resistant than concrete in heavily trafficked areas where dirt and debris are not routinely removed, such as 24/7 operations that may be quarantined from employees. ResinDek with MetaGard has been proven to withstand more than 2 million annual pivoting passes generated when AGVs change direction.

MetaGard SST is a custom steel panel that encapsulates the top and sides of the ResinDek panel. ResinDek with MetaGard is engineered to provide a smooth panel to panel transition when installed next to other ResinDek panels that do not have a steel surface. For robotic applications we recommend using a combination of ResinDek with MetaGard in the higher traffic, debris-laden areas and ResinDek with TriGard ESD in the cleaner, lower traffic regions. This will maximize the performance of the platform while decreasing the overall cost of the robotics flooring system. This creates a cost-efficient flooring solution.

MetaGard SST has been tested in accordance with the following standards:

Dynamic Coefficient of Friction: ASTM A326.3

Test Procedure: Neolite sensor has material that is 95+/-3 Shore A

Results: Average Dry: 0.77 | Average Wet: 0.68

Abrasion Class: ASTM D4060 (Wear Revolutions)

Test Procedure: Grit aluminum oxide sandpaper replaced every 500 cycles with 1 kg of weight

Results: Wear Rating: >50,000 cycles

Abrasion Class: EN 13329

Test Procedure: European surface evaluation using sandpaper wheels

Results: AC6

Gouge Resistance ASTM D2197

Test Procedure: Tested with weights ranging from 1kg to 10.5kgs

Results: No Failure

Gloss, 85 Deg: ASTM D523 (Light Reflectivity)

Test Procedure: Tested with glossmeter geometries of 85°

Results: 8 GRUs

  • TriGard ESD Ultra panel TriGard® ESD Ultra
  • TriGard ESD panel TriGard® ESD
  • MetaGard SST Panel MetaGard® SST